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  3. The balcony of the Sisargas

The balcony of the Sisargas

The balcony of the Sisargas

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Do you want to discover the Sisargas Islands from dry land? This route of the “Malpica O mar das Sisargas” project will guide you through the QR codes that you will find at various points of the town. All you need is a smartphone to be able to access all the contents while you walk.

The route begins at O Caldeirón viewpoint right on the rocky area at the start of Area Maior beach. Here you will discover the history of the seafront. You can travel over it to Canido and you will discover a little more about the Sisargas Islands.

The tour finishes at Canido viewpoint, where the information point reflects the history of the Saint Adrian romeria. From here you can get a different perspective of the town that overlooks the sea and the walk that you have just done.