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  3. Santiago de Mens church

Santiago de Mens church

Santiago de Mens church

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Very close to the Towers we find Santiago de Mens church (12th century), declared a Historic-Artistic Site. In it you will see traces of its three stages of construction. Three naves are preserved for the first pre-Romanesque period. The apses remain from the Romanesque period, and from the last stage of baroque style, is the remodelling of the main façade.

Look at the apses. There is an interesting collection of human figures and animals in them. The acrobats and dancers carved in the stone will attract your attention.

Inside the church there are paintings and decorated capitals, the statue of Santiago pilgrim in wood and a pre-Christian altar in the altar of the south apse.

Do you know that the legend said that this was communicated with the Towers of Mens by a secret passageway? Even the neighbours said that the earth which covered the tunnel was not fertile and everything that was sown there grew less than in other areas.