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  3. Pedra da Arca Dolmen

Pedra da Arca Dolmen

Pedra da Arca Dolmen

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Pedra da Arca dates from the period between 3500 and 2700 B.C., the period of maximum splendour of the megalithic culture. Part of the mámoa (land that covered the dolmen) is still preserved, where the remains of a stone breastplate can still be seen.

It is one of the largest dolmens in Galicia, with a polygonal chamber and corridor facing east. It consists of a stone lid, which is broken in the middle (the negative of the blast-hole in the centre of the fracture line is still visible) and six upright stones that serve as a support.

The lid is 4 metres long by 1.80 metres wide, with an average thickness of 70 cm. As for the stones, the highest measures 2.50 metres by 1.90 metres wide and the smallest, 1.90 metres high and 1 metre wide.

If you prefer legends and mystery, you should know that tradition says that a Moorish woman built Pedra da Arca. She did so by loading the stones on the head while spinning and breastfeeding a child.