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  3. Area Maior

Area Maior

Area Maior


Area Maior is the most popular beach in Malpica. Located in the urban area, it is a very lively leisure spot during the summer, having a great atmosphere and excellent location next to the promenade and close to restaurants and bars with outdoor seating, all part of the ‘O Mar de Sisargas Restaurant Network’.

In addition to the locals and visitors going to Area Maior to beat the heat, surfing regulars are attracted to it by its great waves, especially during the winter. In fact, Area Maior is a world-class surfing spot. Surfing lessons for children and beginners are held during the summer.

The sandy stretch at high tide is very small; the beach is particularly charming at low tide. We recommend you take a short walk to the end of the beach up to the area of Canido, while appreciating this part of the Costa da Morte, always with a view to the Sisargas Islands.

Outside of the bathing season, it is a great place for fishing activities like angling and ‘rapeta’ fishing (using traditional Galician fishing gear).

The Area Maior beach provides a full range of facilities and services: safety and rescue services, toilets, showers, an access ramp for people with disabilities, and much more. In short, everything you need to enjoy a remarkable day of leisure in Malpica.

  • Servizos: Wheelchair-friendly access ramp, lifeguard, showers, drinking fountain
  • Acceso: By interurban bus or by car on the Carballo to Malpica road (AC-414)