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  3. Punta Nariga Lighthouse

Punta Nariga Lighthouse

Punta Nariga Lighthouse

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The most modern lighthouse in Galicia is found in Nariga point (Barizo), built in 1995 and designed by César Portela. It is 50 metres high and the light reaches 22 miles, and it is a benchmark in the integration of architecture with the natural landscape.

The surroundings are full of magic on this cliff beaten by the sea and with strange rock formations (which will even remind you of animals!). The visit is mandatory, both on sunny as well as stormy days. On the former you will enjoy the calm of the sea and the static lighthouse; in the latter, you will be amazed at the dynamism of the clouds and changes in light.

The construction of the lighthouse reminds you of the prow of a ship, crowned by a bronze sculpture called Atlante. This statue, the work of the artist Manolo Coia, has a shape that is midway from a human and a seagull about to fly. Without doubt, a perfect silhouette for the marvellous sunsets of Nariga. To end the visit, you can climb up to the deck of the lighthouse, which becomes a perfect vantage point to the Atlantic.