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  3. Towers of Mens

Towers of Mens

Towers of Mens

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The history and the importance of Malpica in the territory of Bergantiños are evident by the fortress of the Towers of Mens (15th century), located in the parish of Malpica which takes its name. Surrounded by a walled enclosure, the group is formed by the dwelling and three square towers. On the top floor of one of them there is a continuous wooden balcony, resting on stone corbels.

This complex belonged to the counts of Altamira and was demolished in 1467 during the Irmandina revolt. The current owner, Augustine Ordóñez, rehabilitated the towers in 1988, assigning the task to the architect Manuel Gallego Jorreto. This exemplary and careful rehabilitation received the Europa Nostra award in 1993. The building is also listed as a place of Cultural Interest (BIC).

The Towers are privately owned and cannot be visited. Even so, it is wonderful to look at them from outside.

Legend says that there was a secret passage between the towers and Santiago de Mens church.