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  3. Route from Malpica to Saint Adrian

Route from Malpica to Saint Adrian

Route from Malpica to Saint Adrian

View of the promenade with Canido and Area Maior beaches

You will find out Seaia beach before arriving to Saint Adrian viewpoint

Walking to Saint Adrian, you can see the Sisargas Islands close up

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Although on every 16th June the pilgrims go on a romeria to Saint Adrian, this is not the only day the people from Malpica tread the path that joins the hermitage and the promenade. It is very common to see people strolling along this coastline, as it is not just a short but also attractive route due to the landscape.

You can start this route on the seafront, from the beaches of Area Maior and Candido. Once here, a cobbled path will guide you through this coast and you will have a beautiful view of the town that you are leaving behind. Opposite, the Atalaia. The trail will take you, after passing Seaia beach, up to an unrepeatable vantage point, right in front of the Sisargas Islands. You will continue very close to the sea to reach the shrine of Saint Adrian. Without doubt, this is a highly recommended route for those who want to disconnect and enjoy the scenery but without walking many kilometres.


Starting point

Canido beach: 43.323223, -8.817525

End point

Saint Adrian shrine: 43.339391, -8.831528




3.5 km


50 min (walking, at a moderate pace)