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  3. PORT



Malpica is one of the most important ports in Galicia. It is a lively, modern and well-equipped port, witness to important historical events. For instance, it was from here that some of those oppressed by the Francoist regime escaped to France. Some ended up fighting in World War II and in concentration camps, others settled in the Peruvian city of Chimbote where they helped build the then ‘world’s first fishing port’.

You can visit two quays: North and South. In Muelle Norte (North Quay) you will find the fishermen’s huts, the ice factory, the seawall and the fish market. Monday to Friday at 5 pm, the fish sale takes places at the auction market. When it is finished, about 7 pm, the goose barnacle sale starts. You may go in but do not disturb the traders and buyers, known as ‘pescas’. The bid for the fishing catches of seiners or tarrafas is done with the help of monitors.

Muelle Sur (South Quay) is home to two fishing net makers’ associations in Malpica: Mar da illa and O Feital. The female weavers, known as ‘atadoras’, tie, repair and weave seine nets and other small gear for the local boats. The O Fieital association organise guided tours, which can be arranged by email on redeirasdofieital@yahoo.es or by phone on the 617 695 230.

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